Happy 2013!

3 January 2013

Happy New Year everyone! This was my first NYE for a long time in Sydney. I was so happy to be able to spend the night in Darling Harbour with my sisters. It was such an awesome night (all pushing and shoving through crowds aside). Even though we didn't see the fireworks from the Harbour Bridge, these fireworks were still one of the best I've ever seen!

Our night consisted of first getting into Darling Harbour unscathed (via car, train, monorail and on foot). We then walked almost the entire length of Cockle Bay Wharf in search of a meal. We definitely should have booked because there was nowhere to eat! We eventually found a cute little pizza place that made take away, so we sat on the stairs outside and filled our bellies whilst enjoying the many extremely funny and slightly horrifying sights that make up NYE (people watching).

We followed dinner with gelato before going to one of the bars for cocktails. It was nice to chill for a bit out of the hustle and bustle before being thrust back into it in time for the fireworks. 

I can't wait to begin the new year!

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