Instagram @MelissaPaigeWu

7 April 2013

I thought I'd do an Instagram catch up post seeing as the last time I shared some of these little square shaped snaps of my day to day shenanigans was way back in December. 

Here's evidence of some of my most memorable moments of mass consumption when it comes to food intake this year. Easter is obviously always a killer given chocolate is just about my biggest weakness. I'm still recovering from chocolate overload! Chinese New Year also put my diet to death back in February when our family lunch redefined what I thought it was to feel full. Other favourites worth 'foodstagram-ing' include my ongoing obsession with daiquiri flavoured ice tea and and repeated ice-cream/frozen yoghurt dates. 

This element of my Instagram features anything that can be described as cute, adorable, sweet, pretty or by simply hash-tagging #love, and in this case mexican inspired trinket boxes and matching custom made bracelets too. 

This has almost become an art form in my books. Every Instagram contains numerous amounts of these and mine is (unashamedly) no exception. The beauty of these is that they're self-shot, enabling complete creative control when it comes to hiding everything you hate about your face. Unfortunately I still suck at getting a good shot, so when all else fails, it's time to give up and just hand the phone to someone else. 

There's no place like Instagram to show off a great outfit. I love taking photos when I'm all dressed up to go out. 

These are the rest of the pics that fill up my Instagram photo album. Lately, these have included a lot of travel related snaps from my trip to Beijing and Dubai, but can be anything from being silly with my family to channelling my inner Mexican! 

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